Expense policy
Expense Policy Guidance for Accountable (Open Collective)
We ask all groups to have an Expense Policy on their page. This helps the individuals who are submitting expenses and can minimise any disagreements or inconsistency in payment requests. It also aids with collaborative decision making amongst the admins to ensure expenses are approved in a united way.
We suggest your Expense Policy include things such as:
*The expense policy word limit on the Open Collective platform is 3,000 characters. If yours is longer, we suggest you put it on a public Google Doc, and share the link on the Expense Policy section of Open Collective instead
Expenses Policy examples
XR International Support team Finance Policy
All for Climate spending money guidance
Gulp expense policy
Babel: Fiscal Host Expense Policy
As a community member, feel free to expense a public transport for a conference/meetup. For core members, transport/stay for things like TC39 meetings or conferences.
For other expenses you can ask and we'll need to think about it as a group. Otherwise, we plan on spending the funding trying to pay our maintainers full time. All expenses must have a valid invoice or receipt. Payments are made weekly on Thursdays, once they have been approved by a core contributor. We are only able to pay via Paypal, so be sure to input your Paypal address.
Manjaro (UK) Expense Policy
Expenses will be covered for costs which support and progress the Manjaro project, for example and non-exhaustively:
Travel and subsistence costs for conferences and related activities;
Hardware purchases and upgrades which support the development of Manjaro;
Software purchases, upgrades, and licenses which support the development of Manjaro;
Hosting and SaaS/PaaS etc. charges related to the project.
Expenses should be discussed on the forum and/or Telegram and nominally approved, and normally prior to any purchases being made, before being submitted to the Collective. You must upload a valid receipt or invoice clearly showing the total amount, date, legal address, and what the payment is for.
Parents and Community Against Pollution Expense Policy
Our expenses are basically related to the cost of printing flyers, leaflets, posters, as well as video and graphic work, and legal expenses incurred in the Nocado campaign. In order to maximise the proceeds of our fundraising and minimise our reimbursement admin., campaign supporters are encouraged to only claim out-of-pocket expenses that exceed £10 per claim. Food, drink, accommodation and travel expenses will normally not be reimbursed. We do require formal pre-approval for ALL expenses described above; please email PACAP on pacapcic@gmail.com, BEFORE incurring any reimbursable expenses. *In line with the full transparency provided on our PACAP Collective website, the available budget, all financial (other than incognito) contributions, and expenses reimbursed can be viewed on these PACAP Collective pages.
How to submit an expense
Expenses will only be paid if there is enough income to cover the expenses within the collective. Expenses must be documented with a receipt or an invoice and approved by the collective admin.
Valid expenses are
Provider receipt Provider invoice, mandatory for large amount Both the receipt and invoice must include the provider name, address, amount etc. Additionally, any invoice should be addressed to OC UK (see host detail below), as at the end of the day, Open Collective UK is the client. However, we understand that for some services it might not be possible to have a different billing address than the delivery or credit card address. We may still accept those invoices on a case by case basis. When the billing address can differ, it must be addressed to OC UK.
There are 2 ways to submit an expense:
1) a member of the collective pays & submits the expense (with the receipt) through OC, this has to be approved by the admin of the collective. On the back end, SCN will pay back the submitter. Ideally, the receipt should be to the host name.
2) Collectives can submit an invoice to the host (via OC). In this case, the invoice must include the mailing address and be the host organisation, and also reference the Collective name. If you are submitting an invoice for your work to a collective hosted by the Open Source Collective, you'll need to submit your invoice with the full detail of the host as explained.
Host details are the following: [enter]
You must upload a valid receipt or invoice clearly showing the total amount, date, legal address, and what the payment is for.
Feel free to use the above templates and edit to include your group’s details, or create your own. Once your Expense Policy is ready, simply upload it to your page. You can edit your policy at any time.
Last updated
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