Approving expenses
Approving an expense
Any of your collective admins can approve an expense. It's a very simple process, you can read more about it here. The only rule we have is that admins can't approve expenses that they have submitted themselves. If an admin needs to claim for an expense or invoice themselves, we ask that they get one of the other admins in the collective to hit the approve button for them.
If you want to make a payment or donation to another collective with an Open Collective page you can find out how to do that here.
Privacy and expenses
When you submit an expense you naturally have to include some information about your identity as well as your bank details. If you follow all the instructions on the page this information should stay completely private and only be visible to the admin team, the person submitting the expense and us. Only the subject line (which gives an overall description of what the money is for) should be public. If the person making the claim makes a mistake with any of this, you can find out how to edit an expense here.
If you need to contact the person making the claim to ask to clarify something, you need more information or if you want them to edit the expense to remove personal information you can use the comments. These are private and only visible to the admins, the host and the person making the claim. You can find out more about expense claims here.
Last updated
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